Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What a difference a year makes!

One year ago today, the Flack family of five finally settled under one roof! I went back to read my post from this time last year, and as I sit here with my three children asleep, I can't help but reflect on what a year it's been.

During this past year, we've had wonderful, amazing days where life has been picture perfect, where the kids are just so sweet you can't believe how blessed you are, and filled with moments where you wish time could stand still because it's just slipping by too fast. We've had days where the screaming just wouldn't stop, where bed time couldn't get here fast enough, and where we've been so tired it seems like you just can't go on. And of course, many days in between!

Other mothers of twins always said to me, "Once you survive the first year, having twins is great." Every single one of them always said, "The first year is hard." I remember thinking to myself that sure, of course it's hard. But then again, everyone had said it was hard when we had Lucy. Life sure did change when Lucy came along, but after about three months, we settled into a pattern and life continued on. But with these boys. . . there were days where I had no idea what we had gotten ourselves into. I don't think it was until we got moved in July and settled here that things seemed to calm down. Those ladies weren't lying - that first year with twins is incredibly hard.

These days though, we have worked out a routine that seems to work for us. The boys feed themselves for the most part these days so that frees us up a little during meal time. They also are more content these days to play on their own. Naptime is fairly consistent these days and the boys sleep through the night, finally, until about 5 AM, wake up to eat, and then go back to bed until 7. While they still eat all the time, we don't have as many bottles so I don't feel like I spend so much time pumping. Life is still hectic, but a manageable hectic.

No matter how crazy this year has been, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I can't imagine my life any other way. I am so thankful for my family of five and as I fall asleep each evening, I thank God once again for my three sweet children. I'm looking forward to all that this next year holds for us.

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