Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Happy 5th birthday, Lucy!

Five years old . . . FIVE!!! How did this happen?? Lucy has been counting down all week for her birthday. She would tell us each day, "It's my last Thursday/Saturday/whatever day or being four!" And of course, today, she was FINALLY five!!

Our morning started out with some birthday tackles from her brothers . . .

Then Lucy went to a special breakfast with her Daddy. Michael had to leave this morning to go to Annual conference at Lake Junaluska so he was going to miss the rest of the day's fun.

Grammy had found Frozen cake decorations, so Lucy decorated her birthday cake when Grammy got home from work.

This one is random, but Alex's face just cracks me up here. . .

After her birthday dinner of chicken, green beans, and potatoes (her request), it was time for cake!

We cut the cake, but Lucy was too excited about presents to even eat her cake. She declared that cake would have to wait - it was present time!

She was so excited to get her Elsa dress . . .she has been asking for this for months!

Charlie sat and watched . . .he had Oreos for his dessert ;)

After all the present fun, Lucy had to try out her things! She was dressed to the max with her dress and her crown and shoes from the boys.

Her Frozen kingdom . . . so many Frozen toys!!

As she was going to bed, I asked if she had a good birthday. She said that it was great and that tomorrow would be her first Thursday of being five. :)

What a great year four was and I am looking forward to everything that five holds for Lucy. She amazes me constantly and even though she has her difficult moments (as all children do!), I couldn't ask for a more wonderful little girl. I am grateful for every moment God gives us with her. Happy birthday, my sweet Lucy. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of the young lady you are. We love you so much!!!

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