Saturday, June 7, 2014

Park fun

Now that it is summer time, we are slowly getting into the swing of thing by doing one of our favorite activities - going to the park! These boys love to get outdoors and run around and Lucy loves to have some kind of destination to travel to. We took the kids to City Lake Park earlier this week because we thought we would get to ride the Carousel and the train before kids start to get out of school. Sadly, the train was under going maintenance, so we didn't get to do that, but we did have fun on the carousel. Of course, there are no pictures from there, because Michael and I were busy holding boys! After that, we headed into the park.

Alex wanted to bring the ball to the park and at first, it seemed like an ok idea. However, we quickly realized that since we are still learning the art of passing the ball back and forth, that might not have been the best idea. (Also, Charlie was having an interesting hair day  .. .  I have no idea what's going on there!)

Alex won out in the end though. We couldn't get him to play with any of the playground equipment because he refused to put the ball down. I guess he was afraid he wouldn't get it back! We didn't stay too long at the playground section though, because it was just too large of an area to safely watch three little ones even with two adults! (Also, it was SO hot even thought it was only 10 AM!)

We are fortunate enough to have two local parks that we like to frequent. After dinner tonight, we decided to burn off a little energy. The boys were so cranky after their nap time and even though they have played all day, we thought it couldn't hurt to really wear them out!

Sliding is always a favorite!

They wanted to go back and forth in the tunnel over and over again. . . the also got mad when we made them stop because there was another little boy waiting to go through!

Lucy was at the park too, but unfortunately I don't have any pictures of her. She was swinging and running around and having a good time. She would have stayed later, but I promised we would come back again next week so she left without pitching a fit. I think she was also worn out after her party. Hopefully all the Flack kids will sleep all night long!

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