Saturday, December 5, 2015

December 5th

Our Elf is out in full force, watching to make sure everyone is behaving before Christmas. The kids won't do anything until they find Zoey in the morning. The other morning, Zoey was in Lucy's stocking and Alex has said all week that he can't wait until Zoey shows up in his stocking! She was happy to oblige . . .it made it easier for her to find a place to go. He was one excited little boy this morning!

Charlie looked at Zoey this morning and told her, "Tomorrow, Zoey, you go in my stocking, ok?" I guess we know where she will show up tomorrow then!

We did our yearly photos with the Christmas stuffed animals this afternoon. I always love doing this and seeing how much they have changed throughout the years. I wonder how many years I can get away with this before my kids just roll my eyes at me and tell me no . . . 

Lucy - 6 months

Lucy - 18 months

Lucy - 2 years old

Lucy - 3 years old

Lucy - 4 years old

 Lucy - 5 years old

Lucy - 6 years old. (As you can see, our kids were given quite a few new stuffed animals last year, so our collection has grown. I don't know what we will do if we get any new animals . . . our chair is already full!!

Alex and Charlie - 4 months old (I think Charlie is on the left and Alex is on the right, but I'm not 100% sure I'm right . . . )

Alex and Charlie - 16 months old (This one is definitely Charlie on the left and Alex on the right)

Alex and Charlie - 2 years old

Alex and Charlie - 3 years old - Crazy boys!

While we were putting all of the animals back in the chair after pictures, Alex hands me Fonzie and says, "Here Sweet Potato animal" - apparently, Fonzie looks like cooked sweet potatoes . . .

These boys are so funny these days. You just never know what's going to come out of their mouths! Here's a couple of funnies from this week:

* The other day I told Alex to stop scratching his butt. He looked at me and said, "I not, Mommy!" (Even though he had his hand down his pants) So I asked him, "Well, buddy, what are you scratching." And he answered, "Inside my butt." Oh well . . .I was the one who asked . . . 

* This morning, Charlie was playing and all of a sudden, I saw his Chewbacca toy go flying across the room. Then I hear him say, "Raffi showed Chewbacca!" and then laughed. . . .I wonder who he picked that up from at school!

* The boys have a new boy in their class at school named Matteo. Lucy was asking about their day at school at dinner and so they started telling her about playing with their new friend, "Matato."

* Charlie and Alex both like to sing all the time, but sometimes they get their words confused. Charlie was singing London Bridge this afternoon and sang at the top of his lungs, "My bridge is falling down, falling down, All my ladies!"

I'm sure there are more, but those are the ones I can think of now. I have to try and write them all down so I won't forget them!!

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