Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What we've been up to

Can you believe that October is almost over? Where does time go? These two cutie pies are 14 months old now and into everything. They are walking/running every which way and into everything. There have been many a time where one will get into something he isn't supposed to and when I go to move him away to something new, the other boy will sneak in to get whatever his brother left behind!

The boys are going to have allergy testing done at the end of the month. Hopefully, we can move forward from here and be able to know what is causing them to breakout. It has been a while since we've had issues, but this past week has caused them both to break out all over their faces. They also have been sleeping poorly. Alex has had two nights this past week where he will wake up screaming in pain and it takes a long time to be able to get him settled back down. And of course, there doesn't seem to be any kind of explanation for any of this. Sigh. . . Oh well, at least we know that Oreo cookies don't affect them! ;)

The boys had on their Halloween shirts today, so Lucy put on her Halloween dress that Carissa made for her. I took this opportunity to snap a picture of all three of them in the chair. Believe me, it was next to impossible! I did get two pictures in the fist two seconds that were decent. . . 

What a little mess this one is! :)

Charlie - this little boy's face just exudes joy. Of course, when he is unhappy, he is not afraid to show it either!! He has thrown a few little tantrums lately. 

Alex - this little boy couldn't be any cuter if he tried! He is my sweetie - he loves to snuggle and give hugs. This Mommy is going to take advantage of every moment I can!!

Lucy and Alex

Who knows what Lucy is telling the boys, but they are captivated. Nothing warms my heart more than seeing how much these two boys adore their sister!

Charlie and Lucy

Lucy has been having the best time at school. I took this picture of her before Green Day at school. I can't believe how grown up she looks here!

Any time I have food or drink, I immediately have two little buddies present. :)

We took the kids to a local park here in Lewisville yesterday. They had the best time, but it may be a while before we go back with all three. That was an insane amount of work at this age! Fortunately, Lucy found some other girls her age and made some quick friends so she didn't want our attention the whole time. We were able to keep one eye on her while we chased two little boys on, under, and around playground equipment. Charlie apparently thinks that he can do whatever Lucy does because he took off right after her and got upset whenever we wouldn't let him do something. He also wanted to do the slides by himself. Slow down buddy - it won't be long until you can do it all!

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