Sunday, November 3, 2013

Fall Fun

The leaves have been so beautiful this week. I took the boys for a walk last Tuesday morning and we got out and played in some of the leaves at the end of our road.

Alex liked to pick up leaves and throw them

Charlie had fun

We had such a good time, we took Lucy for a walk this afternoon. Sadly, my camera decided that its battery needed to be charged, so I only got a few snaps in before it quit on me. Maybe we can make it back tomorrow before all of the pretty leaves are gone!

All three together is a challenge these days!At least they are all looking at the camera!

The boys were done . . . ;)

Alex was having too much fun to look at the camera!

Lucy came home with a handful of pretty leaves :)


  1. Hi there,
    First I'd like to say what a beautiful family you have! I appreciate that this is probably a blog intended for close family and friends, and I hate to intrude on these personal pictures and stories, but I am hoping you can help me.
    My little girl (also named Lucy) lost her beloved pig soft toy recently. It has been her security item since she was a few months old. Needless to say, it's been a horrible sleepless few nights. She will not take any other toy, and try as I might I can't seem to remember the brand or where I bought her piggy from! I stumbled across an image on your blog of little Lucy and her piggy, and it happens to be the same pig as my little girls!! I was hoping that you you could possibly help me out with what the brand is, or where you got it from?
    Thanks for your time

  2. Hi Catie -
    So sorry about your daughter's pig . . . I know that is so hard. Lucy got her pig back in 2010 from the Easter bunny. (He bought it at Target. ;) ) I wish I could tell you more than that but all of the ink has worn off of the tag and I don't remember anything about the brand. I do remember that it was in with all of the Easter plush animals in those cardboard containers for $5. I don't know if that's helpful or not. If I had known that she was going to pick this pig as her favorite toy, I would have bought 4 or 5 !! Hope this is helpful!

    1. Wow, thanks a lot, I have managed to find one! It is called "Animal Adventure Target pink plush pig", it is $30 on eBay (crazy right?!) we are now living in New Zealand and so we will also have to get family to send it over. I never thought we would go through all of this for piggy lol, the things we do for our children...
      I can't thank you enough, God bless, Catie.

    2. I'm so glad you were able to find one! I would do the same for my Lucy . . . I can't imagine how sad she would be without her best bud. And thanks for letting me know - now if we lose ours, I'll know where to start looking! ;)
