Sunday, October 28, 2012

Trick or Trunk

Salem had their Trick or Trunk event tonight - Lucy has been excited for weeks! The weather was not so great but it was a really fun evening for the kids and there was a great turnout! I expected just our own kids and maybe a few of their friends but there were a lot of kids there that I had never seen before!

Charlie and Alex - known  for the evening as Ernie and Bert!

Don't you just love those chunky little cheeks??

Alex was not a fan of the hat. . .

The boys were both fascinated by Daddy's cow hat though - look at those wide eyes! 
They sat and stared at that hat for quite a while!

Lucy was excited that she and Daddy both started with the letter "C" - cat and cow!

The Flack children

Lucy was very excited to be a black cat

Lucy and her friend, Megan

The first group of kids. . another wave showed up about 5 minutes after this

Listening intently to Mrs. Darlene - ready to party!

See the word "Boo" on her ghost plate? Yeah, Lucy wrote that herself!
How awesome is my kid? :)

Playing Bingo. . . one of her favorite parts of the evening

They had a center downstairs where you stick your hand in bowls and feel different things. Lucy's face in this picture pretty much sums up her feelings about it. ;) Oh well, in a few years she'll love that kind of thing!

All the kids came through in a "Costume Parade" and got their candy. When we got home and asked Lucy what her favorite part was, she said, "When they said 'Little Cat' and I got to walk in the room". . .this child loves being the center of attention!

 A bag full of candy makes for a happy 3 year old!

Charlie and Alex slept through all the fun . . . 

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