Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Two months old!

Charlie and Alex are two months old today! Where does time go? I wanted to get some pictures of them today, so I started by taking pictures of Charlie in his new hats for Halloween. . .

I then brought Alex over to join his brother. Alex wasn't interested in taking any pictures today and Charlie, well, he was interested in something else . . .

Charlie, stop eating your brother's head!

I gave up on that idea and so we took some pictures after bathtime this evening.

Big sister and little brothers

Look at these chunky cheeked boys - so cute!

Charlie on the left and Alex on the right

Not in the mood for Mommy to take pictures. .  

Even less in the mood to have his picture taken. . .

There is never a dull moment at our house. Things have been going well, but I'm not going to lie, taking care of twins is a lot of work. Over time, I forgot how hard things were in the beginning with Lucy. The feedings every 2-3 hours, pumping after nursing and offering a supplement bottle, the constant neediness of a little baby. . . Lucy was a lot of work. But when you double that - some days get to 3 in the afternoon and I look at the clock and realize I have gotten nothing done except feeding, washing bottles, pumping, changing diapers, and holding babies. I wouldn't change a minute of it though. . .even though it's exhausting. I'm so thankful for these two sweet little boys.

We are beginning to get into somewhat of a routine though this week. It's been a lot easier this week to predict when they are ready to eat so we've been able to schedule our time better. They are also both nursing at the same time now, which really helps save time. Nursing one and giving a bottle and then doing the same with the next one was really time consuming. They are also taking less by bottle after their feedings as well so hopefully we are really close to getting this breastfeeding thing down! We went to see the lactation specialist last week so I know they are getting about 2/3 of their normal feedings from me now. They also got weighed - Charlie was 8 lbs, 2 oz a week ago and Alex was 7 lbs, 14 oz. They are doing so well with their weight gain that we are packing up the newborn clothes now and pulling out the 0-3 month ones! :)

Lucy is really enjoying school - she comes home every day with something new. She knows all of her months in order as well as the days of the week. The other day she was riding in her carseat, just counting to herself and made it all the way to 60 without missing a number. She is also able to spell simple words when we sound them out together as well as beginning to recognize a few words by sight. She can spell her own name, Alex, Baxter, Mommy, Daddy, cat, dog, and Dora all on her own. Her coloring has improved greatly and she does a really good job at staying close to in the lines. She also can draw a circle. . almost better than I do! I am so impressed by the work they do with these kids at her preschool!! Lucy's teacher, Ms. Erin, sent a note home today letting us know that Lucy was doing a great job at school and commented on how smart she is. I shared this with Lucy and said, "Lucy, Ms. Erin says you are a smart girl!" Her reply? "Mommy, I know I'm smart!" (She obviously gets her modesty from her Dad as well as her intelligence!)

The boys are just starting to smile these days. . . I have a couple pictures on my phone and will try to upload them later. I can't wait until these smiles become a regular occurrence because they are so sweet. Charlie has such a sweet smile and Alex always looks like he is getting in to trouble when he smiles. :) They also have the occasional 5 hour stretch of sleep at night which is much appreciated by Mom and Dad. I was looking back at the other blog the other day and realized that Lucy was sleeping 7 hour stretches by their age. .  . anytime these boys want to imitate their big sister in that department, I am ready! Every baby is different though. The boys are both really strong and can move their head from side to side and lift their heads way up off the play mat. Charlie is reaching out to grab objects. . Alex though always gives me this look as if to say, "When you show me something I want, I'll reach it then.. . " Charlie is so close to rolling over as well. . .he is one strong kid!

 Michael is going to Israel in January with a group of young Methodist clergy and is so excited. He's been busy lately with church so we've had a lot of days at home with just me and the boys. Not that we can't handle things without him - it's just so much easier with another pair of hands! He's such a good dad and is amazing with all his kids - I couldn't do any of this without him!

So that's life at the Flack house right now. . . it's a little messy, a little chaotic, even a little exhausting, but it's full of love and laughter and joy. We are so incredibly blessed.

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