Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Flack/Hout Beach Trip (Last post!)

After a fun-filled beach day, we headed down to the Carolina Beach Boardwalk that evening. There doesn't seem to be much that my kids love more than riding rides!!

We started with the Flying Dragons. . . 

And then headed over to the cars. . . 

Lucy and Harper rode on the flying elephants. The boys weren't quite tall enough to ride in the elephant by themselves and they had a policy here that EVERYONE has to pay to ride. Any place I've ever been before, if you are riding with a child who is too small to ride alone, the parent usually rides for free, but oh well! So needless to say, the boys didn't get on this ride!

They went and rode the circus train instead.

Who knows what the girls are looking at?

Lucy was dying to ride the rollercoaster and SOO excited once she realized that she was tall enough to ride it herself. She grinned ear to ear the whole ride!! (It was a pretty tame little ride, but still, it was a roller coaster and this child had no fear!!)

After that, she wanted to ride the "Flying Bobs" ride. It goes around in a circle but gets pretty fast towards the end. She wasn't quite tall enough to ride by herself and her Daddy was itching to get to ride so he went with her. Harper also went with her Mom. Lucy's face looked like this the whole time. . .

But Harper's face looked like this . . .

She said after the ride that it was fun but too fast. (It really was!!) The boys didn't get to ride those big rides so they went back and rode the cars and the train one more time. They were so excited this time because they got to ride in the front!!

Afterward, we walked over to the board walk where they have lots of standing cutouts for picture taking. The kids had a great time posing with these.

On Thursday, our dear buddy Taylor came to visit since she lives in Wilmington and we had a great day with her. It was so good to visit and catch up. Taylor was one of Lucy's first babysitters and we joke with Taylor all the time that as soon as we win the lottery, we're going to have her move in with us and just help us with our kids. We went to lunch with Taylor and then after the kids had naptime, we had a little pool time!

We played a little "Ring around the Rosy" in the pool. . .

Rosa was looking for something to eat! :)

Charlie had a lot of fun running around and playing with Taylor too.

Then he proceeded to get in the pool and splash his Daddy. 

His Daddy was not amused! ;)

 After swimming, it was time to tell Taylor goodbye! It's too bad we don't get to see her more often!!!

On Friday morning, we had a lazy start. We had a little "screen time". . .

We played with Doc McStuffins

It was a fun week at the beach and a great time al together with family. We had so much fun and made some wonderful memories! Now it's back to reality . . . and time to start planning for next summer! :)

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