Monday, September 24, 2012

Growing boys

These boys are growing so quickly! We took them last Thursday for an appointment at the Breastfeeding Center with Mission hospital to check in and see how well they are doing. Both boys were weighed before eating - Alex weighed in at 6 lbs, 6.2 oz and Charlie was 6 lbs, 14 oz. They are both getting about two ounces when they nurse so we are still supplementing with a bottle of breastmilk afterwards. However, now they only need about an ounce in the bottle. Hopefully in the next two weeks, they will get to the point where they can get all they need in one feeding. The good news is that they are growing at an impressive rate - who cares which container they get their milk from? ;)

The boys also had a doctor's appointment today. Over the weekend, they both grew quite a bit. Charlie is up to 7 lbs, 4 oz and is 20 1/2 inches long. Alex is 6 lbs, 14 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. Using a growth chart for premature babies, they are in the 20th and 13th percentile respectively for weight and in the 53rd percentile for height. They have made it onto the regular growth chart now too though - Charlie is in the 2nd percentile and Alex is in the 1st for weight and in the 5th percentile for growth. I know it doesn't seem impressive, but considering that for the first 6 weeks of their life they didn't even register on the chart, we are headed in the right direction. Both boys got very good reports - everything about them looks great. They both had their first round of vaccinations today and did great. Charlie didn't even cry during the first shot he got! They are now asleep after eating lunch and hopefully will be able to take it easy this afternoon.

At this rate, these boys will be ready to move into their 0-3 month clothing around the beginning of October. Now that we have passed their due date, they are awake more often so it's been lots of fun to sit and play with them. Lucy has especially enjoyed it because she loves to interact with them. Yesterday, she was sitting and talking to Charlie and I swear he gave her his first real smile! His whole face lit up as she was talking to him. Of course, we haven't seen it again, so it could just be a coincidence, but it sure looked real to us.  :)

Everyone is doing so well, and while Michael and I could use a little more sleep, we couldn't be more happy. We are so blessed by our three wonderful children and are enjoying every moment of our crazy little life.

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