Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Whew! What a day!! Sundays are always crazy and today was no exception! But it was a great day celebrating with friends as we rejoice that He is Risen!

Everyone seemed to wake up at the same time this morning, so I missed a picture of Lucy with her Easter basket. The boys just didn't seem to care that there were gifts for them in the living room - they wanted to eat and they wanted to eat NOW! ;) I did get pictures of them afterwards with their stuffed animals from the Easter Bunny. On Lucy's first Easter, she got her stuffed pig that she loves so dearly. I wonder if the boys will like these just as much . . .

Alex and his lamb

Charlie and his bunny

The kids sang and played bells at church today. Lucy did a good job watching and played her color every time she was supposed to.

They also sang Grace Flows Down and Lord I Lift Your Name on High. Lucy sang out and had lots of fun doing the motions. (Check out her friend Brody next to her in his super cool hat! He didn't know all the words but he loves to dance while they are up there!)

We went after church to have Easter dinner with Mrs. Brenda and Mrs. Jean's families. There was so much food and it was so delicious. . .I ate WAY too much!! We did get one quick picture of our family as well.

After dinner, they hid eggs for the kids to find. Lucy had a good time and was pretty well behaved, especially considering that she didn't get a nap. The boys also were well behaved - which was amazing because they had only had one 30 minute nap before church this morning. They wouldn't close their eyes because they were so afraid they would miss something! But to my surprise, they remained happy the whole time we were there!

And since Sundays are so crazy, I didn't have time to get any pictures of all the kids together. However, we had gone earlier this month to get pictures made of them in their sweet Easter outfits. .. ignore the quality of the photos since I just took a picture of the picture itself - just focus on the cuteness of these three!

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