Monday, June 10, 2013

10 months old!

The boys are 10 months old today! And Lucy will be FOUR in only eight days!! Time is sure flying by. When the boys woke up from their afternoon nap, miraculously all three of them were in a pleasant mood so I was able to snap a few quick pictures.

Their hair is starting to look blonde to me. . . 
 Who knows what they are discussing?

So sweet . . .

 There is no stopping the boys these days. They are crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything! And they are masters at getting into exactly what they are not supposed to. If there is something you don't want them to find, they know exactly where it is!

 They wanted to play rather than get dressed


He cracks me up when he laughs - such a silly boy!

Charlie, cute as ever!

Food is also becoming a favorite of ours. It's no longer a battle to try and get them to eat. They LOVE their puffs and would eat a whole container if you would let them. They will eat food fed to them on a spoon, but they really love it if you let them feed themselves. Charlie is a big fan of avocados and both boys like bananas. Alex likes cooked apples and of course, they will both eat sweet potato and regular french fries whenever they are offered!

It is fun at our house these days, but definitely exhausting. You cannot turn around for a minute without them getting into something. And when one goes one way, the other heads the opposite direction! Needless to say, household chores only stand a chance of getting done during naptime or after the kids go to bed! Whew!

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