Friday, September 7, 2012

A wild, but wonderful few days

Whew - I can hardly believe that it's already Friday evening! Time sure flies when you're having fun! It has been so great having the boys at home. Although I have done three loads of laundry (just for them!) in the past three days, have a dirty house, and am running on some sugar, caffeine, and about four hours of sleep, I wouldn't change any of it. :)

As we try to figure out what our routine at home will be like, Michael and I are keeping track of everything on this great app called BabyConnect. I know it sounds ridiculous but it has been so helpful to have something keep track of how often they nurse/bottle, wet/dirty diapers, etc. It's hard enough in a sleep deprived state to remember when I last went to the bathroom, let alone keep up with these two boys! So at least until we settle into a schedule and a little more sleep is had by the grownups, this handy app keeps us on track!
We had a day at home on Wednesday and then the rest of the week has been filled with appointments. On Thursday, Charlie and Alex had their first appointment with their pediatrician. Charlie weighed in at 5 lbs, 9 oz. and was 20 inches long and Alex was 5 lbs even and 19 1/2 inches long. Both boys had gained two ounces in two days. .  just like we want them to! Their pediatrician declared them very healthy looking boys. . .just on the small side! We'll go back again in two weeks and hopefully they will continue to gain weight like they are supposed to. Of course, with the way these boys have been eating, they will be big boys in no time!

We want them to grow just a little bit more so that they can fit into their diapers. Because they are so long and lean, we have a lot of diaper leaks. Even with using preemie size diapers, they don't always stay in place. Alex will wake up frequently because his sleeper and blanket are wet. Often, the sheet and the mattress protector are wet too. . . ;) Charlie has had the same problem, but because he has a little more weight, he fills them out better. They have had a lot of outfit changes in the past three days. .  sometimes, they even match.
Hard to tell which one is which, right?
(Alex is on the left, Charlie is on the right)

Today (Friday), the boys had an eye appointment to check their eyes for ROP. Preemie babies are often at risk for immature retinas. This appointment consisted of dialating the boys' eyes and then examining the retina from several angles. It was not a pleasant procedure for the boys and they made sure to let everyone around them know that they were NOT happy! However, they quickly calmed down afterwards and have spent the better part of the evening sleeping - all that screaming can really wear a baby out!

 And while these boys do spend a lot of time sleeping right now, we still have some active time as well. (After all, these boys technically shouldn't even be here yet!) Here they are, having a little tummy time on their Noah's Ark mat. Aren't their little pants cute??

Charlie and Alex are such sweet little boys - we are truly blessed here at the Flack house!

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