Thursday, September 6, 2012

All about Lucy

All of our entries lately have been about how Charlie and Alex have been doing. Of course, Lucy has been included but usually in the context of her brothers. So here's an update on the Flack Princess. :)

Lucy went with Grammy and Poppa down to Bluffton to surprise Uncle David for his birthday. She was so excited and came back with lots of stories to share. She enjoyed staying at the hotel - the revolving door, elevator,  and snacks and drinks (Happy Hour) were her favorite part. She also got to go swimming. :)

I don't know who was more excited to spend the day with each other - Lucy or David. From what I hear, a fun time was had by all. :)

Lucy, flying a plane while Grammy shopped

Lucy has been busy learning lots of things in her new three year old class at preschool. She has "Computer Pals" twice a month where she gets to learn all kinds of computer skills. . . and play games of course. She loves this so much - one day after school she came home in tears because she didn't have Computer Pals that day. . . it is difficult to explain to a 3 year old that she has to wait two more weeks before it comes around again! Another thing she is learning is how to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Lucy told Grammy that there was a witch on the American Flag. Finally, after a long conversation to figure out what she was talking about, it came out that she was talking about the line, "for which it stands." Ha ha. They also are learning the months of the year during their calendar time. Lucy comes home every day singing her Months of the Year song. Of course, her version goes something like this, "January, (mumbled sounds), March and April, (more mumbled sounds. . . ), July and August, "Sep-ta-tember", (more mumbled sounds) and December. These are the months of the year - yeehah!" It's so cute to hear and eventually, she'll get the rest of the months in there. She has really been enjoying school and it has been good for her to be able to keep that routine now that her brothers are home. Usually, she wants Daddy to take her to school and Mommy to pick her up, but since Alex and Charlie came home, she asks that "all the Flacks" come to school to get her. 

As for adjusting to having two little babies in the house competing for attention, Lucy is handling it as well as can be expected. Sometimes she is a great help and she loves to sit and talk to them when they have alert times. However, she is not fond of having to wait for someone to do something for her. She gets very whiny and needy every time that the boys get fed, which with newborns is quite often! She can be perfectly content in an activity but the second that Michael and I have our hands full with the boys, she has immediate needs that cannot wait. Sigh. . . change is never easy, especially when you're three!

I'm trying really hard to make sure that Lucy has a little bit of special time every day, just her, so today we went out to color with sidewalk chalk and blow bubbles. (Thanks to Cheryl and Ronnie!!!) She has been wanting to do this for days, but we ran out of time one day and then weren't able to the next day. So we headed out this afternoon while Daddy and the boys napped.

 She didn't want me to take any pictures at first. .  .

We traced the Fairy stencils that came with the chalk and then looked at them with the cool 3-D glasses that came with them . . . who knew you could have 3-D chalk designs?

After we sufficiently decorated the sidewalk, we went around to the porch and blew bubbles. Lucy particularly enjoyed the Bubble pipe. . .

We blew bubbles until it was time for me to feed the boys and then everyone else got to eat. Thankfully, we had yummy food from a church member. . . I haven't quite figured out yet how to fit anything in to my day besides making sure everyone stays fed, dry, clean, and happy! :)

So that's what Lucy is up to lately. She is such a sweet, intelligent little girl and she is growing up so fast. Every time I blink, it seems, she has learned something new. What a blessing she is to our family!

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