Monday, September 3, 2012

NICU - Day 24

Hopefully, tomorrow's post will be titled - "We're Home!"

 Car Seat Tests

The boys had an eventful day today as we get ready to go home. They are still saying they think we will go home tomorrow - fingers crossed! We gave the boys a bath this morning, which was definitely not their favorite thing. But they smelled so good afterwards and had a nice relaxed nap. . . hopefully, they will learn to enjoy them. They also had their circumcision today. Both boys were extremely unhappy (as you can imagine) for the better part of the afternoon. This evening though, they seem to be doing just fine.

Charlie weighed in at 5 lbs, 7 oz. and Alex's weight remained about the same. He gained 9 grams, so we still had growth, which is good. It isn't surprising that their weight gain was minimal though after their stressful day.

Right now as I type, they are sitting in their car seats and having no issues - in 15 more minutes, they should be able to check that off their "to do" list. All that will remain is their Hep B immunization in the morning and Alex's hearing screening. And of course, all their discharge paperwork. .  .

The only thing I need to ask about at rounds tomorrow is about Charlie's diet. He has been extremely gassy these past few days and at times, it seems to cause him a lot of discomfort. We had similar issues with Lucy as a baby and the pediatrician wanted me to cut dairy out of my diet. She outgrew those issues by around 6 months and after that, we didn't have any more issues. I may need to do the same thing again this time for him, but we'll see what they say.

It's so hard to believe (and exciting!) that this may be our last night here in the NICU. One of the nurses today was commenting on how "big" the boys seem. Not necessarily size wise. . .although, they both have gained more than a pound while being here. . . but rather developmentally. Both these boys in the past two days have acted much more like newborns than preemie babies. They are definitely ready to come home.

We are so thankful for their good health and blessed beyond measure by these two precious boys. I can't wait for tomorrow evening when all five Flacks are finally under the same roof together and the next chapter of our journey can begin.

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