Sunday, February 12, 2017

Traveling to Disney!

After school on Friday, we hit the road headed to Disney! The kids have been so excited all year!!! We stopped in Savannah for the first evening. Originally, we had planned to eat at a nicer place, but it was so busy everywhere we went, that we ended up at Steak and Shake. The kids didn't mind though - they always love the hats!

Poor old Charlie wasn't feeling well . . .he didn't even go to school on Friday because he was running a fever. He slept a lot in the car and even though you knew he was excited, he just didn't have any energy to show it.

He did think that it was pretty funny to have Raffi wear his hat!

Who knows why but it was extremely busy in Savannah that Friday night. We weren't able to get any rooms with double beds, so the kids made pallets on the floor in our king bed rooms. (Lucy slept in Gramma and Pappy's room. . .that's why I have no picture of her.) They didn't seem to mind though and slept all night long!


The next morning, we were ready to hit the road again so that we could get to our Disney house! Charlie was a little perkier that morning and ready to go as well.

The house was so much fun to explore and everyone loved running from room to room to check everything out. We got all of the luggage in and got everything settled and then it was time to go out in search of some dinner. Everyone had to change into shorts though before we went because it was so hot!! And you can't be in Florida without your sunglasses!

I was taking a picture of the kids and all of a sudden, Harper decided that she wanted to join as well. If you know Harper, you know this is a big deal because she usually runs away screaming when we try to take her picture.

 After dinner that evening, we came back and settled in so we would be ready for a super fun day at the Animal Kingdom!

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