Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 4th

Today has been a long day, so these are pictures from previous days. . . we were not on a schedule today. As any parent knows, days where things don't go as planned lead to some difficult moments with your kids! Oh well, we survived and tomorrow is another day.

But here are some pictures from the other week when we were in our routine. :)

Charlie, sitting like a big boy!
(He doesn't seem to mind that his seat is pink)

Alex, sitting at the table in his high chair

Lucy, apparently telling Alex how it is ;)

And as promised, here's the kids with Santa! It's a lo-res copy, so it may not be too clear, but Michael and I think it's a pretty accurate representation of our kids' personalities. There's Charlie in the green - happy beyond belief because he's being held and cuddled by someone. Then Alex is just hanging out, taking it all in, all chill. And Lucy at the center of everyone's attention, giving her forced, goofy smile she has these days around cameras.

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