Sunday, August 26, 2012

NICU - Day 15 and 16

Sorry I didn't post last night. . . Michael and I decided to watch a movie and it was late when it ended. The boys had a great day yesterday - Charlie is holding his own temperature in his bed and taking fewer feeds by ng tube. He nursed well when I was there at 11:00 - he woke up as I got there, as if he knew that it was time to see his Mommy! :) He also did well at 8:00 too. Alex was finishing up his phototherapy, but he did well at his 11:00 feeding. He was sound asleep at 8:00 though so we didn't wake him up. I got to hold both boys for a little while at their 11:00 feeding - they didn't seem very interested in each other, but it was wonderful to get to sit and look at them side by side.

Poppa went by and visited for a while and then Mama Mae, Gramma, and Pappy came by that evening. We can't wait for the boys to be awake and alert enough to meet everyone. :) The boys had also gained weight that evening as well - Alex was up to 4 lbs, 4 oz. and Charlie is at 4 lbs, 11.3 oz (what Lucy weighed when we brought her home).

I went up for the boys 11:00 feeding today. . . Michael and Lucy went to church. Alex's bilirubin levels are down to 5.2 so he is no longer under the lights. He had maintained his temperature on his own all morning, so after I fed him this morning, he moved into the bed next to his brother. Both boys were doing well. . .still growing and improving every day. Now that we are in the crib, I think that we are in the NICU home stretch. Hopefully, on Monday we will see their doctor and find out what the plan is as to getting them ready to come home. The only barrier at this point, I believe, is getting them to eat all of their meals without their tubes.

1 comment:

  1. That is great news! Hopefully they will be home very soon!
