Sunday, August 19, 2012

NICU Day 9

Since today was Sunday, our schedule had to be a little different today. We went to church and then everyone was in need of a nap after lunch. We got up to the NICU around 5:00 this evening. The nurse said that both the boys had been "all boy" that day. She never did say what caused Charlie to get riled up, but apparently Alex had been giving her fits by trying to remove his "sunglasses" during his phototherapy as well as trying to pull out his NG tube. But it's reassuring to know that they know what they want and aren't afraid to let you know it! :)

Charlie's weight is up to 4 lbs, 3.8 oz so he is just above his birth weight. . . every little bit counts! He was dressed in a little sleeper today. I took his temp and changed his diaper and got him ready to eat at about 5:30. I wasn't sure if he was going to wake up for it or not, but he nursed for about 10 minutes before he started to drift off. So I handed him off to Michael who gave him a full bottle (his feeds are 30 ccs now) and went over to see what Alex was up to.

Alex was under the phototherapy lights again all day today and will be under them again all day tomorrow. His jaundice is still really prominent. They are also fortifying the breastmilk that he receives by bottle or his NG tube. This little boy is eating 33 ccs every 3 hours, but his weight is still hovering right around 3 lbs, 10 oz. You would think as much as this child likes to eat, he would already be over the 4 lb mark. But hopefully these added calories will give him a push so that he can start to put some meat on his bones. He was so eager to eat that he had trouble latching on and by the time he could relax and we could get settled, he had worn himself out. He did nurse for about 15 minutes and drank maybe about 1/2 his bottle afterwards.

They both seem to be doing well. Right now it is all about gaining some weight for them and growing. Hopefully we should see that take off this week. We are so thankful that both Alex and Charlie are doing so well and can't wait until we get to bring them home with us.

Lucy, holding hands with Charlie in his incubator

Daddy and Alex

Whoah, what's going on out here?

Sweet little Alex

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