Thursday, August 16, 2012

NICU Day 6

It has been a great day for the boys . . .a hard day for me. Yes, they are doing just fine, but I have had to stay home due to my fever the other night. I have to be fever-free for 24 hours before I can go back. Michael has done a great job of asking questions and sending me pictures and keeping me up to date, but it isn't the same as getting to hold my boys. I have felt great today, so I've just taken it easy and tried to concentrate on resting so I have strength to take care of Alex and Charlie. So a small pity party for me, but I have to remind myself that I did just have major surgery and I can't take care of my family if I don't take care of myself.

Alright, pity party over - on to the sweetest set of twin boys ever! Michael said this little face greeted him when he arrived today around 1:00:
Notice anything? That's right - no more oxygen!!! Charlie has been completely weaned off of his oxygen and now he has moved into an incubator as well. Both of the boys are up to 20 oz feeds every 3 hours .. . Charlie's weight is currently at 4 lb, .5 oz and Alex is holding steady at 3 lbs, 10.5 oz but with feeds like this, they should be taking off soon. Michael fed Charlie and the nurse said that after Alex had his bottle, he was still looking around for more. I can't wait to be back with them tomorrow!!

Alex in his new bed

 Sweet little Charlie

Michael went back later this evening after dinner. Alex was wide awake while he was there, so you will finally get to see this little cutie's eyes! As Michael was holding him, he looked down and saw this face . . . .

Only to discover in the next five seconds that Alex was pooping! By the time he was able to get the nurse to come back over to help him move Alex and his wires so he could change the diaper, he had pooped again! Michael wants it known that at this current time, Daddy now holds the record for changing the most poopy diapers for the boys. I am perfectly content to let him hold onto that record if he chooses. :)

 Alex, taking it all in

Like I said, I am ready to be back with my boys tomorrow. I have missed them so much. However, it's been good to be at home with Lucy. She is, as I'm sure you can imagine, a little on the clingy side. She was very upset last night when I didn't feel well and went to lay down rather than stay up and play with her. I also had gone to rest for a little bit after dinner because my ear was bothering me (allergies acting up) and so after about 30 minutes, I hear her crying down the hall and she runs over and says, "Mommy, I was so worried about you!" Poor thing has had a lot of changes this week too. . . She's still got lots of smiles to go around though. Hopefully as we find our new normal as a family of five, she will return to all smiles all the time, like these:

Showing off her toys from her brothers and her baby doll from Uncle John and Aunt Carol

Playing with our new Cinderella magnetic dress up doll from Mrs. Becky

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