Wednesday, August 29, 2012

NICU - Day 19

Lots and lots to tell from today. . . I'll write a more detailed entry tomorrow. . . 

I went up to see the boys at 11 today. The physical therapist was with them, assessing their development. Both boys were doing exactly what was expected for their gestational age (37 weeks). I fed both the boys and then the PT came back and we sat and talked about what to expect developmentally for the boys as we prepare to go home. I'll write a more detailed entry about this conversation another day because I found it fascinating. So many of the things she talked about were things that we learned the hard way with Lucy. . . looking back, I wish we had known all of this back then!

Both boys ate well at their 11 feeding and while Michael and I sat with them, our nurse came over and we went through the checklist of everything that needed to be taken care of before we head home. It was a nice feeling to be able to check off so many goals that the boys have already met, as well as get a few different paperwork things out of the way. All that's left is to have the boys move to cue based feedings (waking up on their own to eat, eating what they want when they want and being able to continue to gain weight), the hearing test, circumcision, car seat test, and another meeting with the lactation team to talk about appointments and what to expect at home. There are also a couple of videos that we have to watch about bringing premature babies home and infant CPR. It sounds like a lot, but really most of it can be done when we are in the transition area. Still no set date, but all the nurses we have talked to seem to feel like the boys are going to head there over the weekend.

We came back for their 8 PM feeding and both boys were ready to go! They both ate extremely well and were alert for our whole visit. In fact, both boys were still awake when we had to leave. Charlie's weight is up to 5 lbs, 2 oz and Alex is catching up to him at 4 lbs, 10 oz. They both have almost gained a whole pound in the past three weeks! It sounds crazy, but they both look so big now! Obviously, if we set them next to a full term baby, it would be obvious how small they still are. . . but compared to where we started, they have come such a long way!

We love our boys so much and are so thankful for their continued growth and improvement. :)

And a new photo for you . . .

Sweet little boys, ready for bed! 
Aren't they just too cute???

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