Friday, August 31, 2012

NICU - Day 21

Happy 3 week birthday to Charlie and Alex!

Today, they dangled the proverbial carrot in front of us before snatching it away. The nurse this morning at the boys 11 AM feeding talked about how it should be possible for us to move to the transition area this afternoon. Silly me, my mind started thinking of what I needed to go home and pack and how long that would mean we would have left here at the hospital. Of course, by the time we got ready to leave after that feeding, we found out that we wouldn't be moving after all. It turns out that the babies that were to be discharged today didn't go home after all. . . so they said maybe tomorrow. I am to the point now where I won't believe it until we are actually in the room.

Both boys did well at their 11 AM feeding and were wide awake for our whole visit. We stayed until almost one o'clock when Charlie started to get heavy-eyed. They had also eaten their entire bottles at their 8 AM feeding, so that is a positive as well.

Lucy decided she wanted to go see her brothers tonight, so we all went up after we had dinner. The boys ate well and Lucy seemed to have a good time talking to her brothers and telling them that she was their big sister. We didn't stay long though - Alex was ready to go back to sleep and Lucy needed to get home to go to bed. Charlie had been weighed when we got there and he was up to 5 lbs, 4.7 oz. Alex hadn't been weighed yet but he has to be close to the 5 lb mark! Their nurse remarked on how big they are getting - she had them sometime last week and so after not seeing them for several days, you really can see how much they have changed!

Enjoy a few pictures from our evening below:

Big sister Lucy with Daddy and Alex

My favorite story of the evening was when we asked Lucy how many kids Mommy would have at home when the boys came home. (She had been counting how many boys and how many girls would be at our house.) Lucy's answer was :FOUR! She pointed to herself, Alex, Charlie, and Daddy. :) Little does she know how right she is - ha ha! ;)

Big Sister Lucy with Grammy and Charlie. . . notice her crazy smile. . 

Obviously our second attempt wasn't much better. . . 

Lucy, "holding" Alex

One happy family :)

Lucy's favorite story of the evening is that while she was holding Alex, he pooped three times in a row on her hand! (Don't worry, not actually on her!) So if anyone asks her about her brothers, be prepared to hear that story.

We attempted to take a family photo. . . The first one is great, except for Lucy's face (She was getting tired by this point)

And here's the second attempt. . .better, but a little blurry. . .

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