Tuesday, August 28, 2012

NICU - Day 17 ( a day late)

The boys had a good day yesterday - I didn't post because by the time we got home from this NICU last night, all I wanted to do was go to bed . . . so I did!

Michael and I had a small dose of reality at their 11:00 AM feeding. Charlie was awake and ready to eat. He started pitching a fit because he wasn't getting fed fast enough. I was trying to get him calmed down to nurse and then Alex decided to join in the fun and started crying along with him. His cries got louder and louder as Michael took his temperature and changed his diaper. Just to remind his Daddy who was in charge, he peed all over the bed, his outfit, the blankets. . . everything! It was a crazy few minutes there with both boys all worked up. They did both quickly settle down though, but wow - they are not afraid to let you know what they think. I can't wait though for more of those hectic moments though because they will be here at home!

Neither of the boys were to awake for their 11 AM feeding, which was a little frustrating. (They used up so much energy crying, I guess!) When eating is the only barrier preventing them from coming home, it's disheartening when things don't always go well. They did much better at their 8 PM feeding so that was good. The feeding team had come by at their 2 PM feeding and made the decision to switch the type of bottles they were using. I'm still not quite sure I understand why - the reason they gave was that the new type was easier for preemie babies to handle. Of course, they hadn't seem to have any problems with the ones before that we were aware of. They did well with these new ones though, so things should be fine.

Charlie's weight was up to 4 lbs, 14 oz by the end of the day and Alex was at 4 lbs, 6.1 oz. They seem to enjoy being together again as they share their crib. And nothing warms this Mommy's heart more than seeing both of them cuddled up together, sleeping peacefully.

So overall, another good day. . . no move to transition yet. At this point in time, it is more a question of availability than readiness for the boys. Hopefully we can transition in the next day or so and then be home by the weekend. Please continue to pray that we have patience. . . I am so ready to have them home and so tired of having to say goodbye.

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